Parenting the Neurodivergent
You’ve been working all your life for this day, and it’s finally here! Your art class! You line up to enter the art school, waiting to...
You’ve been working all your life for this day, and it’s finally here! Your art class! You line up to enter the art school, waiting to...
No one likes a complainer, and yet we all do it. Something bad happens, something unfair. We are upset, angry even. And we want to tell...
Think of a medication you take – when did you last fill the prescription? What do you need to do to get a refill? When will you go pick...
A new year, a new start, always lead, tends to lead us to examine our lives… and unfortunately find them sorely in need of remodeling. ...
Last weekend, we spent each day deciding, “not today; maybe we can feast tomorrow.” My husband was sick, I caught his cold, and our...
We tend towards one of two responses to Anxiety: either run away, or shove the feeling down and try to ignore it. Those around the...
Here’s another new trendy term you may have heard. The only problem is, when you google it, most of the results talk about this being an...
So, my summer was unpleasantly eventful. Remember the MA Child Psychiatry Access Project? That’s the program we merged with, to...
From the Archive: June 2022 There’s a reason this newsletter is late. What is there to say? There are no words. Unfortunately, that’s...
From the Archive: January 2022 Welcome to the new year, I guess. That time of year when we traditionally set goals, even formalize the...
From the Archive: December 2021 It’s the time of year when many cultures have holidays, and holidays have stories, and stories have...
From the Archive: November 2021 I have a confession to make. More and more I feel like an imposter. I offer support and guidance to...
From the Archive: April 2021 How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Bet that joke seemed a lot funnier before it felt like the...
From the Archive: January 2021 Specifically, do 80% of your best. It’s not as catchy as “do your best,” but it’s a wonderful approach to...
From the Archive: November 2019 We often forget that the origin of Halloween is that it is the eve of November first, All Saints Day, the...
From the Archive: February 2019 Yet another word we use without really understanding what it means. We know that invalidating is bad,...
From the Archive: January 2019 Happy New Year, and welcome to your annual declaration that this time for sure you’re going to…. Do...
From the Archive: February 2018 It was one of those days. Finally home, I tried to open a bag of chips. The bag tore, spilling chips...