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How to Help SNLP
Contacting Legislators
Contacting Legislators to ask them to include SNLP in the upcoming budget
If SNLP were included in the state budget, we would be able to resume the services we offered throughout the SE in our first 5 years, now on a statewide basis. Including:
* Free professional development presentations
* New presentations added every year, based on your requests
* Free PDPs and Nursing CEUs offered for PDs
* Monthly Newsletter
* Infrastructure to support the ability to reliably contact all schools via email
* More on-site contacts with the Liaison
* Website updates including additional resources, based on requests.
* Communication focused on supporting schools, rather than funding.
* Outreach to ensure all schools are aware of the services available to them.
The Legislators were very impressed when school staff contacted them two years ago, and voted to fund SNLP as part of MCPAP. Now that we are no longer affiliated with McLean Hospital or MCPAP, it is more challenging to persuade them that this is the same vibrant program they supported then. (especially since the lack of funding makes it much less vibrant).
If they only hear from me, they will be understandably doubtful. So they need to hear from you, their constituents, who use and value this program. This is something I cannot do by myself.
The Budget debate happens every spring, but by then many legislators have already decided on their priorities. We need to be contacting them through the year, especially those on the Ways & Means Committees, and the Education Committees.
If every school staff person who feels that this program is worth continuing were to send one brief email to their Representative and their Senator asking them to fund this program, we would certainly be included in the budget.
Not sure what to say? CLICK HERE for suggestions and guidance. But seriously, it doesn't have to be long and involved, just "Hello Rep [your rep], I'm [name] and live at [address in their district]. Please fund the School Nurse Liaison Project, because [any brief reason]"
Outreach to Schools
Outreach to schools
While we have a grant to fund the Consultation Services, and professional development presentations can continue on a fee-for-service basis, the work of outreach, reminding schools that the program is available, is an entirely unpaid volunteer task.
Even if I were able to devote all the necessary time to contacting schools, Gmail limits emails, and our Gmail address has been flagged as spam by many districts' IT departments.
You can help! First, by spreading the word, and just telling your colleagues and those in other schools about the program, encouraging them to contact us for information or explore the website. Or you can give them this summary.
And we can use help setting up a streamlined "phone tree" system to forward email. Below are three lists - any help you can offer on any of them is greatly appreciated!
Help! I'm locked out!
Emails from the SNLP Gmail account are blocked by these towns. I guess they think it's spam?
How to Help: either contact the IT department to correct that, or find a person who can receive an email to a personal account and then forward it to their colleagues.
Hello? Is anyone there?
I have no contact info for this District.
How to Help: I need a person in each district who can receive emails and forward them to their colleagues. If you'd like to volunteer, or can just find contact info for anyone, let me know.
Sorry to draft you, but...
I have been sending emails to a person in this town, but don't know if they are forwarding them.
How to Help: If you are that person, let me know if you are okay with being the Point Person,
or help me find someone else to do it.
Seeking other funding sources
Even if SNLP secures state funding, it might not cover all our needs. Without state funding, we can only provide minimal services for a few more years. Either way, we would love to find other sources of support. The problem is, researching grants, donors, and other options involves time and skills that we simply don't have at this point. Sadly, this task generally involves going down many dead ends to find the few opportunities that might bear fruit.
If you know of a funding source, or would like to look for them, we would be delighted to have your help. Contact us, or come to the Board Meeting, and we can provide all the information you need to fully understand what SNLP does and what it needs. With that information, you can then pursue grants, donors, or any other potential funding source. Once you receive replies from these inquiries, we'll be happy to work on applications, attend interviews, perform presentations about the program, whatever is needed.
Utilizing Services
Utilizing SNLP Services
The whole purpose of SNLP is to support schools, so the more time we spend doing that instead of all this administrative stuff, the better! Besides, the more the program is utilized, the easier it is to persuade funders that it is needed.
Consults Call any time you have a question or would like to consult about a situation in your school. Or email. You don't have to schedule it in advance, but if you would prefer that, you can - especially useful if you would like to have a meeting for your staff to address a specific topic or issue.
Professional Development Live or webinar, with nearly 20 topics to choose from. Ask your PD coordinator to schedule a presentation! We have funding to subsidize the cost if your school couldn't afford it last year, but that fund won't last and it's first-booked, first-funded. If your calendar is full, you could host an After School Seminar -- you provide the space, and if we get enough people coming, the grant will fund it.
Website Resources Explore the website, download or request resources, read the blog. I would love to have this evolve into a collaborative community!
At the very least, I need topic suggestions for the Blog -- I need to know what you're interested in.
Raising the Profile of SNLP
The key to our success -- whether in providing services currently or securing funding to continue -- is people knowing about SNLP and the services it provides. As with general outreach, one person cannot possibly contact everyone who might be interested, and you know best who in your area to reach out to.
If you think your local paper or school organization would be interested in hearing more about SNLP, or you have the time to work on getting a response from the Boston Globe, or NPR, or anyone, please go ahead! If you need more information about the program to better describe it, email or call me. Once your efforts reach the point of setting up a meeting or interview, just let me know. The same link that can be used to set up a pre-scheduled Consult can be used to schedule any sort of meeting or interview.
You can also freely share information on social media, or any other networks you have. The more people hear about the program, the more schools can benefit from it!
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