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Unfortunately, SNLP did not get state funding, so we continue to need donations & speaker's fees to survive. 

HOWEVER, the fund for consultations is not getting used up, so going forward we will use it to subsidize PD as well. 

So while the Speaker's Fee is $500, when you book it, you can specify how much of that your budget can pay, and how much should come from the grant.  

It's first booked, first funded, so don't delay.  And if you can pay part, or do a fund raiser, that will help the money last longer for all the schools.  (I used to do 80 presentations/year, just in the Southeast.  The program is now statewide, and the grant would cover only 20.)
If you want to run a fund drive, you can print this QR code for easy online donations, earmarked for your school.


Presentations are all 90 min to two hours in length.  They can be extended or shortened if needed.


Unfortunately, SNLP cannot confer PDP or CEU credits at this time. 
If we secure ongoing funding, we will work to regain authority for these credits. 

Please let your legislators know that you would like them to include SNLP in the next budget, so that we can return to offering Professional Development, including PDP and CEU credits, for free.

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