Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach designed to help people think more flexibly, manage distressing emotions and situations, and improve their interpersonal relationships and communication. It uses mnemonics and brief exercises to teach specific skills and strategies, making it perfect for use in schools and classrooms. This presentation will help nurses, counselors, and other school staff learn how to:
Understand the underlying philosophy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Encourage students to develop strategies for managing distressing emotions
Teach students specific skills to improve their interpersonal effectiveness
Implement these techniques in their schools.
During the '22-'23 school year we must charge a $200 speaker’s fee. Scholarships may be available. Your support for state funding will help us return to offering presentations at no charge.​
Check if the file is from 2024. If not, email julielovemsnlp@gmail.com for the updated version.