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Anxiety in schools poses particular difficulties, as the symptoms interfere with students’ ability to remain in class, or even in school.  As school staff and families struggle to support these students, they often find themselves with contradictory approaches.  This presentation, designed for those who are already familiar with anxiety disorders, will help nurses, counselors, and other school staff learn to:

  • Describe how to recognize and screen for anxiety disorders among your students.

  • Describe current therapeutic approaches and medications used to treat anxiety.

  • Describe appropriate school accommodations to increase access to education for students with anxiety.

  • Develop individual plans and school policies to address school refusal in an effective and collaborative manner.


During the '22-'23 school year we must charge a $200 speakers fee.  Scholarships may be available.  Your support for state funding will help us return to offering presentations at no charge.​

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